“VICTORY AT LAST”. Final Part : Friday October 18

Isaiah 54:11

"O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted, behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires"

Affliction is no respecter of any one. Rich, poor, tall, short, male or female, ” green” or white. So therefore, O thou afflicted; as you are reading this devotional today, every source of afflictions and anything known as affliction will dry from your lives, in Jesus Name. Amen. Someone may say how could it be? The answer is because God is paying close attention to those that can call more on HIM than more on man. There is hope for calling and waiting upon God for true victory. Amen.

Victory is of the Lord. The power of “victory at last” will locate people reading this devotional today, in Jesus Name. Amen. God can relay any and every faulty foundation. He can turn your disappointment to achievement, because at the very end of disappointment there is achievement. Amen. God is the unchangeable changer. There is a “behold” promise for those that may be experiencing both spiritual and physical afflictions; with the expectation that afflictions would/shall not rise again as indicated in the book of Prophet Nahum 2:9; signifying comfort for the afflicted. Amen.

Brethren, hold unto the promises of God. Waiver not, because your “victory at last” is ahead and never ever behind. As you read and believe today, God of comfort will put a new song in your mouth, in Jesus Name. Amen. Finally, before the end of this monthly theme “divine victory”; for those that truly believe, there shall be testimony of good news in your family, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for locating me with the power of victory at last, in Jesus Name.
2) Lord, let every source of afflictions dry away from my life and family, in Jesus Name.
3) Father, as this year is rolling to an end, let me sing the song of “victory at last”, in Jesus Name.
4) Lord, by the power of victory at last, remove every stone and pillar of afflictions from my path of life and living, in Jesus Name.
5) Lord, let me and my family ride on the wings of victory at last into the new year 2020, in Jesus Name.
6) Father, my “victory at last” will not be turned into “defeat at last”, in Jesus Name.
7) Father, no matter what I may be going through at the moment, let me end this season, with divine victory, in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9