Acts 2:2
“And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.”
When the wind blows, it fills or scatters. On the day appointed for the power of Pentecost for the Apostles, it blew and filled the whole house with miracles that had not happened before. When the wind blows it has the power to open or close. The east wind blew on the Red Sea and it opened and created unprecedented road where the children of Israel escaped destruction. The wind blew again and closed up the road and the enemies of the people of God perished.
There are winds powered by the grace of God blow for our advantage. When our winds blow, Jesus intercedes and intervenes. When it blew for the Apostles, Jesus was connected in power with them and there was a revival. Brethren, the wind of revival is still blowing filling us up and taking us higher. Amen.
To experience the mighty rushing wind as a family church, we must be in one accord. It accelerated the wind and the power of His wonders manifested. Brethren, we need to be in one accord with ourselves and with God. Jesus admonished us to be in one mind as stated in Philippians 2:2. “Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be like minded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. One accord is the key of the wind of revival that changes the Apostles from ordinary to extraordinary. Amen.
Prayer points for the day
1) Father, thank you for the wind blowing to fill my life with your fullness of blessing, in Jesus Name.
2) Lord, thank you for the grace to be in one accord with you and with man, in Jesus Name.
3) Father, separate me and family away from any dangerous and contrary accord with man, in Jesus Name.
4) Lord, deliver me from every untoward accord of this generation, in Jesus Name.
5) Lord, as this year is progressing let me progress with the wind of grace, in Jesus Name.
6) Lord, let the wind of favor blow and fill every emptiness of my life, in Jesus Name.
7) Father, ,let the wind of your wonders blow miracles into my family and our church, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9