Matthew 6:33
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added into you"
As we are making progress in the month of New Song, it is important for us to seek the Kingdom of God, as a matter of our priority. Seeking the Kingdom of God first means that we place God as first in our lives. We are made by the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and must remain as our source.
However, my people seek those/these (worldly sources and material things) first and then want the kingdom of God and His righteousness to be added unto us. This is a spiritual oversight and many of us occasionally fall under this oversight, but thanks be to God for the grace that we enjoy. However, this should be another wake up call to us, because this Kingdom of God we all know is already here with us.
We have the knowledge to either seek the Kingdom first or those/these things first. The choice we make is ours. Focus on the Kingdom of God for it is the source of all those/these things. Without the Kingdom of God, we and those things cannot be. Brethren, the struggles of life have been part of God’s design for us. Give the kingdom of God the priority and be contentious not to do the first things last and the last things first. Praise God!
Prayer points for the day
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9