Isaiah 41: 18
"I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water"
Our father and mother in the Lord, Pastor E. A. Adeboye and Pastor F. Adeboye along with other anointed men and women of God will be teaching us on ” LET THE RIVER FLOW” at the 18th Convention later this month, and the river of the goodness of God shall flow without shorelines, in Jesus Name. Amen.
What is a river? A river is a stream of large water and the source is God. Anything that has its source from God shows the presence of God, and God’s presence and movement cannot be trapped or restrained. No one can restrain or trap the flow of rivers of God. Shout AMEN!!!!!!!
High places may represent difficult and terrible times as it happened to the Israelites in the days of Prophet Isaiah, but there were imminent promises of God to those that did not depart from God. While God’s special provision and protection left those that followed idols, the remnants that stood their grounds with God still enjoyed the making and the flowing of God’s blessings.
Stand your ground with God. He can do miraculous things for those that would not deny HIM during circumstances. He has promised to open up rivers in high places where water is scarce. He is the source of all things. However, difficult to reach, God has promised that rivers will flow to your “high places”. It simply means solution will flow to where there has been no solution. Miracle will happen where there has been no miracle. Honor will begin where shame abound. Prosperity will begin where there has been poverty. Refreshing starts where there has been dryness. The key here is that we as children of God we must not depart from God, so that His promises and blessings will not depart from us. Many Christians just go to church, but technically their spirits have departed from God, like many in the Bible days.
Prayer points for the day
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9