Hebrews 12:2
"Looking unto Jesus the author and the finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God."
This part will be the snapshots and highlights of the last three series and will be based on the overall contradictions against Jesus, His endurance of the pains, dehumanizing experience on the cross, and the fact that He despised the shame. All of the above resulted in what every one in life desires – “VICTORY”
The cross is always with scourging and agonizing pains etc. Yet, Jesus endured it. What is your cross today? Confront your cross as Jesus did and He got victory at last. No cross no resurrection and without resurrection there is no victory. The glorious victory led to the proclamation of the Kingdom of God. Before the joy was set before Jesus; there was need for endurance of the cross. If He missed the endurance or dodged the endurance He would have missed the joy, which was the glorious victory of resurrection. The cross ended in Jesus being our great Mediator of our faith.
Jesus despised all the shame and reproaches that were cast upon Him for you and me so that we can also enjoy victory. Both in the life and death of the Master Jesus ; He knew His innocency and excellency were above all the shame and reproach still he endured them all. He lived and died infinitely above them so He despised the ignorance and malice of His accusers for His victory and our eternal victory. Praise God. Amen.
Prayer points for the day
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9