Ezekiel 37:4
"Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord"
Dry bones indicate hopelessness. It symbolizes lack of protection or solution. In this, Prophet Ezekiel approached God for a solution regarding the hopelessness in the nation. God instructed and gave him direction to resurrect the situation by speaking life to the dry bones. Indeed, the word of God is full of power to reverse the irreversible.
If the word of God is used directly, specifically, and diligently – whatever represents dry bones in your life must yield to the word of God. The word of God can change hopeless situations because there is great power inherent in His word. God used the word to create the earth, and always operate in the word to heal, bless and save us. Believe in the word of the Lord always for better solution. God is still God, He guarantees what His word says for it never returns onto Him void.
If the dead dry bones, as hopeless as they were could come alive based on the word of the Lord, then I am fully persuaded that there is no situation in life that the word of the Lord cannot reverse. The dry bones resurrected because they heard and responded to the prophesy in the word by the Lord. The same way, under the same prophesy any dry situation in your life must respond to the word of God. Direct the word of the Lord to the roots of the “dry bones” according to instructions of the Lord and believe God for the fruition of His prophesy in your situation.
Prayer points for the day
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9