“POSITIONED FOR HEALING” Part 1 : Wednesday September 18

John 5:5-6

"And a certain man was there which had an infirmity thirty and eight years. 6) When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?"

The man mentioned in the Bible was there; amongst great multitude that needed healing at the time Master Jesus was making His way to Jerusalem. The place was where most people went to seek healing, but Jesus paid attention to this particular man mentioned, because he was within the sight and reach of Jesus.

The story relates to the Pool of Bethesda where there was always spiritual atmosphere for people to get their healing; determined by who could get into the pool when there was angelic move. Ultimate healing depends on the ability of who was who to have contacts with the pool. Many had potentials to get into the pool but Jesus did not see them.

The certain man had no helper. He had no potentials. He had no power to push himself into the pool, but Jesus saw him and that made a difference from others who had to rush into the pool. That concludes the quote which says “by strength no man shall prevail” without Jesus. The certain man was at the right spot for Jesus to see him and take necessary action. Amen.

Prayer points for the day

1) Father, thank you for putting me at the right place at the right time, in Jesus Name.
2) Father, thank you for directing my footsteps always, in Jesus Name.
3) Father, position me for my divine healing, in Jesus Name.
4) Lord, let me grow like a cedar tree wherever you plant me in Jesus Name.
5) Lord, I will never be in a wrong place at the right time, or be in a right place at the wrong time, in Jesus Name.
6) Lord, do not let me be out of your divine positioning, in Jesus Name.
7) Lord, let there be divine connection for me wherever I am divinely positioned in Jesus Name. Amen.

Have a blessed and wonderful day!


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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9