Mark 2:21
"No man also seweth a piece of new clothe on an old garment; else the new piece that filled it up taketh away from the old, and the rent is made worst."
The above passage is one of the parables from Jesus; it is truth and is applicable in many ways. There are consequences of patching an old garment with a new one. Apart from not being pleasing to the eye, it will not last because the old cannot match the new cloth. Eventually it will be discarded for a completely new garment altogether.
This is to remind us that we cannot successfully combine the old life with our new life that we now claim in Jesus. As long as Jesus has made all things new, there is need to put aside the old habits and nature in us in order to form a successful new relationship with Him.
After being born again, remaining with our old ideas and ways of thinking will be a hindrance to living in the will of God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Retaining and operating in our old ways will keep bringing about old results, and could wreck the outcomes we could potentially have in our Christian race. Jesus died for us so that we can be reformed and regenerated by the blood shed on the cross at Calvary. Praise God!
Prayer points for the day
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9