Mark 2:12
"And immediately he arose, took up the bed, and went forth before all ; insomuch that they were all amazed, and glorified God, saying We never saw it on this fashion"
As you all step out into life this week, every barrier against your breakthrough shall bow to the covenant blood of JESUS, and the word of God.
This very month, JESUS will see to your supernatural breakthrough in all things. You might have been stuck with the habitual thinking like ” It is what it is”, “I cannot change it”, I “ll just live with it” or “there nothing like supernatural”, please get over and beyond these worldly talks, and set your mind on the one who is in charge of all the super and natural things. JESUS!!!!!!
If you focus on the power that maketh the heaven and earth and not the rocket science ; then you will be in the circle will of God. Let the barrier between you and Jesus be broken and not your intimacy. The breakthrough in the above passage was customized to the man’s situation. Such miraculous and supernatural healing had never been heard or seen before. As you are reading ; you too can have such a breaking ground and supernatural miracles that might have never been in any fashion done before. God is the unchangeable changer that is more than able to change all situations. Please stay tuned for more on this series. PRAISE GOD. AMEN.
Prayer points for the day
1) Father, thank you for signs and wonders of better second half of the month, in Jesus Name.
2) Father, thank you for giving me and my family another blessed day, week, month, in Jesus Name.
3) Father, I will not miss my supernatural breakthrough, in Jesus Name.
4) Lord, take absolute charge of all the challenges of my family, in Jesus Name.
5) Father, let me begin to experience your raw power from now on in Jesus Name.
6) Father, declare your raw power over all that concerns me and my family, in Jesus Name.
7) Father, let me arise, shine more for you in this very month for you, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Have a blessed and wonderful day!
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"His grace is sufficient for thee..." 2 Cor 12: 9